3 Major Benefits Our Silk Will Give Your Hair

Frizz & Damage Free
You will notice right away how smooth and luxurious our 100% Pure Mulberry Silk is. Your locks will appreciate how gentle and soft the silk is too! Our Fishers Finery pillowcase allows your hair to lay over this smooth surface with minimal snags, knots or tangles. With less friction, you will notice no more breakage or damage, less frizz, tangles and hair dents. Seems like a no-brainer, right? Don’t just take our word for it. Read one reviewer’s experience in this Good Housekeeping article.

Prevents Bedhead
One of the convenient qualities silk provides is its preservative benefits. What does this mean? That blow out that you spent a ton of money on, can last more than 24 hours now! Because silk creates less friction, it also allows you to spend less time touching up your styled hair in the morning. So not only have you extended the value of your salon hair, but you’ve also managed to cut out hair tools that cause heat damage and you’ve also gained extra time for yourself (which is priceless)!

Retains Moisture In Hair
Curly haired ladies rejoice! (And really anyone that has dry hair or hair loss for that matter.) Unlike cotton, silk does not absorb the natural oils and moisture from your hair, thus leaving it full and rich with all those good and natural nutrients. Learn more about the benefits for curly hair.
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What is Momme?
Momme (MM) is a term that refers to the weight of silk. A 25mm pillowcase has 32% more silk than a 19mm pillowcase and a 30mm pillowcase has 20% more silk than a 25mm pillowcase.